Friday, September 28, 2012

The FIRST EVER Lily Grace Challenge on September 29, 2012

Lily has a Facebook page called "Never Forget Lily Grace".  I just introduced a new event on Facebook that I want to do on the 29th of every month called "The Lily Grace Project".  You see, Lily Grace was a wonderful, sweet baby that is loved by so many and she also loved everyone back. She became an angel on August 29, 2012 and tomorrow September 29, 2012 marks the first full month since she passed away. To help make the 29th a better day, I want to challenge everyone to do something nice for someone else. This will be called "The Lily Grace Challenge" and this will happen on the 29th of every month (modified for February). I'm trying to turn the grief that everyone is experiencing into m ore of a positive experience (as much as possible).

So I challenge each and every one of you to participate in the Lily Grace Challenge. Tell your family and friends about it too. I challenge you to do at least one nice thing for someone else and this could be big or small. Some examples could be just simply opening up the door for someone who needs that help, writing a kind note to someone that wouldn't expect it, tape a $1 bill to a soda machine so the next person in line gets a free soda, simply say something nice to someone that wouldn't expect it, do someone else's chore for a surprise, mow a neighbors grass that could use the help, or just anything that would help another person. Plus you won't expect anything in return and if they want to repay you in any way just tell them that they can repay you by doing something nice for someone else in honor of Lily Grace.  

I want everyone to "Pay it Forward". It will make another person feel better, brighten their day but also make you feel better too. For some more examples, check out:

Lastly, I would like to know how many people participate tomorrow.  On her Facebook page I will put up a Lily Grace Challenge message and I would like for everyone to put a comment under the challenge. You don't have to say what you did but you could at least say "Done Lily". For this blog, I would like the same thing but you can just put a comment under this post.  This will help to honor the memory of Lily Grace on such a sad day for everyone touched by Lily Grace. Spread the word... Thanks everyone!

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